Here I am, on the first day of 2019 updating my blog I AM ON IT.
In 2018 my goal was to be more present in photographs, and I plan to do more of that this upcoming year. I also have more creative projects in the works, especially personal creative work, while I sort out my counselling practice as well. 2018 has been a year of such creativity, growth and change that I’ve been lucky enough to take much of December to just reflect on how I want to move forward with my business and counselling practice and what that might look like. So I guess my goal for 2019 is for more of that, but balanced with just a few more naps than last year.
In the meantime, I’m super excited to say that 2018, with all the creativity, the beauty, art-making, triumphs - and yes, even with the losses, was magical, powerful, and full of growth. It was everything I hoped it would be, and I’m ready for all the awesome stuff 2019 will bring.
Thanks for following along with me this past year, trusting me to photograph you, and making art with me.
This graphic of my face posted much bigger than expected, I’ll be honest.