creative works
Here's where you'll find updates and information on projects with Sarah Sovereign Photography past and present. Find sign up sheets, information, and where to find completed works.
The 24 Hour portrait project 2018 & 2021 (ongoing)
This small project started in March 2018 as an attempt to take a portrait an hour for 24 hours as a love letter to Chilliwack, B.C. After an additional 2 rounds, the project changed into a series of images every hour (12 hours x 2 days) showcasing local stories big and small. Images are taken and edited via mobile during the day of the project, posted live on Instagram and Facebook along with write ups written by participants. The emphasis for 2019 will be on sharing more of these stories, accompanied by both candid and posed images of individuals experiencing our community. All 3 rounds for 2018 have been completed, and selections from rounds have been published in Raspberry Magazine. The next installment has been announced! June 13-June 19, see the sign up sheet here.
Recraft creative: workshops, gatherings + self compassion for the creative
RECRAFT CREATIVE is a space made for recharging, refocusing, reconnecting - collaborating + artmaking fellow creatives - it’s a space to engage with the process of becoming. Through Recraft, I offer 1:1 mentorship for creatives & creatives with ADHD, workshops, gatherings & experiences that help enrich how we see ourselves, our work, and the space we take up.
In 2019, the first Recraft gathering was held at Tullstarr Ranch, where a group of women gathered to make art together, making space to engage with the creative process. The goal of Recraft was to move beyond the “shooting destination” or the resulting work - but to engage in the raw creative process in a safe & supported space, exploring the call to work on that which sets our hearts on fire.
Follow recraft on Instagram and Facebook for resources, announcements & inspiration.
Recraft has a new home - come visit over at RECRAFTCREATIVE.CA
Guys + flowers | 2019-2020 | in partnership with blossom with quik pik
This project first started in 2018, was shelved for awhile, and is now moving forward - slowly. In collaboration with Britt from Blossom with Quik Pik, this is a conceptual photograph series that pairs men with beautiful florals. In my personal creative work I have a series called “Trauma Roses”, exploring the relationship between women, trauma, and the strength of florals (flowers are far from delicate: even when cut, they continue to bloom.) Guys & Flowers works well in conjunction with “Trauma Roses”, with images of men holding, growing, decorating themselves, owning, uniting with flowers and challenging the way we gender things that bloom. Our first attempt at this project opened our eyes to our own biases - often, the images we shot with a group of truly amazing men, ended up with an unspoken female narrative. They weren’t owning the flowers: they were holding them for a woman off camera. Facing this, we rested for a bit, re-evaluated, and have begun slowly again collecting portraits, taking more time, more intention - and I’m so excited to share with you all the magic we’ve been creating.
Veronica Belle at CR&RF 2017, which was attended by Carly Stone, Autumn Mastin, Veronica Belle, Shiverz Designs, Mikah Bresland and photographers Sarah Sovereign Photography and Jennifer Foik Photography.
how we self care: self care stories 2019-ongoing
This project began when I started recognizing marketing around the concept of self care - especially marketing geared towards women - that seemed to summarize acts of self care as treats to be purchased, and/or overwhelming missives of things we “should” be doing to cope with expectations of busyness, the hustle, ingrained capitalism, the pressure to stay plugged in, perfect, et al. While I believe that every act of care we give to ourselves - big or small - is a triumph, I also believe that self care goes deeper. It doesn’t begin and end with self-soothing - self care is not always easy, or easily accessible to all. For example, it can also involve us nurturing ourselves through the ecosystems in which we thrive, caring for ourselves via caring for the air we breathe into our lungs, the earth that supports us, the plants that nourish us - and so much more. Discovering our needs and the voices of our body and spirit and what they are asking for is a unique and individual journey - and I truly believe that recognizing and giving space to listen, explore and develop this is an act of self care in and of itself. This project is ongoing and will continue into 2020. **As of June 2019, I’ve decided to open this project up to all. It’s important that we all experience and express self-care.